OC/MUC short course hosted at CSA, Murfreesboro TN

Event Date: Friday, December 15, 2023
Event Time: 1800-2100hrs

This will be a Friday evening seminar on the Managing Unknown Contacts paradigm, how to avoid being the victim of a street crime, verbal de-escalation skills, giving the student skills that apply to the paradigm of “something between a harsh word and a gun”, and how to apply these skills if you carry a gun, or even if you don’t


Hosted by my friends at Citizen Safety Academy in Murfreesboro TN https://citizenssafety.com/


Registration here; https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-oc-spray-use-and-street-encounter-skills-tickets-708142141207?aff=oddtdtcreator