A few years back I gave a presentation at the first Paul-E-Palooza on the subject of Excited Delirium (aka ExD). I was a bit surprised by the level of interest in that class since the students turned out to be mainly non LE or medical folks (my normal
Read more →Awhile back I got this idea started with the help of my friend Rich Grassi, editor of The Tactical Wire (free newsletter, LOTS of quality articles and gear reviews). The idea I wanted to investigate is “how cheap can a person go and still get a good AR15
Read more →Here’s a pretty good short article on the subject, in line with all of the TCCC training I have seen recently. This sort of know-how is useful in more than just a “tactical” scenario. I have been to a number of motor vehicle accidents over the years
Read more →Home security tips/things to think about post Christmas; Bad guys know that everyone has new toys this time of year. In my experience things like X-Boxes and such are high on the list of things in demand, and the burglars want them as well. Think about taking
Read more →Kudos to John Johnston for tolerating me for a whole hour on Balistic Radio back in September. Always fun chatting with John. The podcast audio file is posted below. The topic was sighted fire versus unsighted fire. Hope you hear something useful. – Chuck
Read more →I originally wrote this article for the Tactical Wire back in 2008, but I got such a huge response from it that I figured I’d repost it here for anyone who’s interested. Enjoy. I welcome your feedback. – Chuck Single Officer Response in Active Shooter Events (originally published July
Read more →Welcome to my blog! This is where I’ll occasionally think outloud for anyone who’s interested. Please feel free to post comments, but of course, I reserve the right to delete anything that isn’t fit for public consumption (and block the author if necessary). Thanks! – Chuck
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